2024 IRG-2: All-atom molecular dynamics simulations of CSH-CSSC fibers (Tobias Group)
1174 CSH-equivalents (70 % & 100 % converted to CSSC) are cylindrically restrained (Fig. 1)
- Radius (r) = 27 Å, as informed by Cryo-EM measurements (Patterson group)
- The composition of the 70% conversion system is informed by previously published coarse-grained MD simulations
- Validation by reconstruction of EM data from MD simulation configurations is in progress with the Patterson group
Water is present in the fiber, especially near the center (Fig. 2)
π-π interactions and hydrogen bonding both contributes to fiber stability (Fig. 3)
- Hydrogen bonds between a primary and a secondary amide, and between two primary amide groups are the major intermolecular forces stabilizing the fibers
CSSC prefers open conformations throughout the fiber (Figs. 4)