2024 IRG-1: Role of interfaces in phase decomposition in the CoCrNi alloy
Understanding phase stability of CoCrNi alloy is necessary to ensure that no detrimental phases form when held for long period of time during the potential application temperature
•A long-term annealing at 450 °C for 350 hrs was employed to explore the phase stability in a severely deformed CoCrNi with high density of GBs to facilitate any secondary phase formation
•Cr-rich oxides were observed at several GBs
•An elongated phase, rich in Co and depleted in Ni, at few GBs near the Cr-rich oxide. Electron diffraction pattern suggest that this phase has an HCP structure
•Microscopy experiments and high-throughput CALPHAD calculations suggest that local composition fluctuation near the Cr-rich oxide favors the HCP phase formation