Internationally renowned scholar delivered distinguished lecture at UCI

Internationally Renowned Scholar Delivered Distinguished Lecture at UCI Dr. Brian Cantor from University of Oxford and Brunel University, an internationally recognized scholar in the field of the materials manufacturing, who is better known for a high-entropy alloy named after him called “Cantor alloy”, visited UCI to present the distinguished seminar, titled “Multicomponent High-Entropy Cantor Alloys…Continue Reading Internationally renowned scholar delivered distinguished lecture at UCI

Annual UCI MRSEC Workshop to Review the Center Progress

Annual UCI MRSEC Workshop to Review the Center Progress On March 13 – 14, 2023, CCAM held an in-person two-day MRSEC workshop at the UCI Beall Applied Innovation Center. This event was held in conjunction with the External Scientific Advisory Board (ESAB) meeting, inviting ESAB members to attend the meeting and fully engage with Center…Continue Reading Annual UCI MRSEC Workshop to Review the Center Progress