On January 23, 2024, UCI Center for Complex and Active Materials (CCAM), an NSF MRSEC, had an external scientific advisory board (ESAB) meeting at UCI. The ESAB members attended the meeting in person and virtually via Zoom. Prof. Xiaoqing Pan, CCAM’s Director, presented the MRSEC program overview. Prof. Tim Rupert, IRG-1 Lead, provided updates on the recent progress of IRG-1 research on interfacial science of complex concentrated materials. Prof. Zhibin Guan, IRG-2 Lead, presented the resent results generated in IRG-2 research oriented in charge-matter interactions in bioinspired supramolecular materials. The Center’s education director, Prof. Regina Ragan, provided updates on CCAM’s education and outreach program, and diversity plan. Prof. Diran Apelian, director of innovation and collaboration, overviewed the goals and objectives of CCAM industrial advisory board (IAB) and provided the updates on industrial outreach and other collaborations. Prof. Joe Patterson, co-Lead in shared facilities, updated the recent progress in shared facilities for materials research at UC Irvine Materials Research Institute (IMRI).
ESAB members interacted actively with CCAM members and provided highly advisory feedback on research foci and strategic plans to the CCAM team. Moreover, ESAB members had a constructive discussion with leadership from campus, Samueli School of Engineering, and School of Physical Sciences.
During the ESAB meeting, a poster session was also held for CCAM junior research fellows (JRFs) to present their research progress, and three JRFs won the poster competition awards. The JRFs were also able to network with ESAB members, faculty and other students at the ESAB Poster Session.