Ruqian Wu
Professor, Physics and Astronomy
Associate Director, Center for Complex and Active Materials – an NSF MRSEC
Location: | 310G Rowland Hall | |
Email: | | |
Phone: | (949) 824-7640 | |
Address: | 4129 Frederick Reines Hall University of California, Irvine Irvine, CA 92697-4575 |

Wu is an expert in developing and applying density functional theory and modeling approaches for studies of different issues in physics, chemistry, and materials science. He pioneered in ab initio studies of magnetic properties of solids and molecules such as magnetic anisotropy and magneto-optical properties including x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. He is an elected Fellows of the American Physical Society and has published over 300 peer-reviewed scientific papers in high impact factor journals such as Nature, Science, and Physical Review Letters with a high citation rate.
Ph.D., Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, 1989
The current research of Wu’s group focuses on 1) spin and vibration excitations in magnetic molecules and molecular junctions; 2) topological materials with unusual transport properties; 3) novel two-dimensional van der Waals monolayers; and 4) heterogeneous catalysis on single atoms, clusters, and thin films. His group has forged strong collaborations with many experimental groups and explored several new research areas such as imaging exchange interaction of two magnetic molecules, setting new rules for spin relaxation of molecules in phonon bath, developing four-dimensional scanning transmission electron microscopy and momentum-resolved vibrational electron microscopy to probe atomic-scale structure, and engineering magnetic properties with ferroelectric materials.
Wu Group